Get industry leading anti-aging and corrective skin treatments with minimal downtime or discomfort. Enjoy cutting-edge treatments for skin resurfacing and skin correction.

ipl treatment

What is ipl?

IPL, or intense pulse light therapy, is designed for pigmentation and vascular lesions, skin rejuvenation, and acne clearance. The V-IPL is powered by Sinclair’s proprietary PCR technology which generates various pulse configurations and provides adjustable pulse duration, ensuring that every skin type and condition can be treated. With contact cooling, patients can receive the safest, most comfortable and most effective treatments available.

Treatable conditions

  • Acne Scars

  • Rosacea

  • Sun Damage

  • Enlarged Pores

  • Melasma

  • Varicose and Spider Vein

  • Birthmarks

  • Scars

  • Wrinkles

Questions? we’ve got answers.

  • First, a consultation will be conducted to assess if you are a suitable candidate. Dr. Khan will discuss and review your goals/treatment plan. During your IPL session, a member of our trained team will use a handheld device which delivers pulses of broad-spectrum light to the targeted areas of the skin. This light is absorbed by the pigments in the skin, leading to various therapeutic effects.

  • The number of sessions needed varies depending on the specific skin condition being treated as well as individual factors. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Most treatments require 2-3 sessions with a 4 week break in-between. Post-maintenance sessions may be advised.

  • Patients often describe the sensation as a mild snapping or stinging feeling. Some discomfort is normal, but is usually well-tolerated. Our team may cool your skin before, during, and after the session to minimize discomfort.

  • There is typically minimal downtime after an IPL session. You may experience redness or mild swelling immediately after the treatment, but this usually subsides within a few hours to a day. There may be temporary darkening of treated spots before they flake off.

    ***Direct sun exposure should be avoided and sunscreen should be applied to prevent pigmentation changes and other complications.

  • Results from IPL treatments are not immediate. It may take several weeks for the full effects to become apparent as the skin undergoes a natural exfoliation process. Improvement in skin tone, texture, and reduction in pigmentation irregularities are common outcomes.

  • While IPL is generally safe, there can be side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, or changes in skin pigmentation. These effects are usually temporary and resolve on their own.

  • With Viora’s advanced PCR technology, all skin types can be treated.